
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Classroom Setup 2014

I love my music room!  I am in a modular classroom outside of the main building and I have no I can play the music as loud as I want! 

Actually, that's not true.  My neighbors and I do not get along.

Thankfully the neighbors have been evicted and they now reside in the park across the street.

So here are some pictures of my beautiful room!

I LOVE my smartboard and would hate to have to teach without it.  It is so convenient for projecting music, terminology, pictures, video, and more to the students, but even more than that, getting them up and participating in writing rhythms and decoding songs!

In grades 1st-5th, I use classroom Keyboard Clip-Up charts to reward their good behavior and participation!  Here's a link to the FREE file in TPT!
I've moved my piano from place to place a few times in the past year, but I've settled here.  I can play and still see the class and they can see me without having to turn from their seats.  Notice my beautiful Boomwhacker wall as well!  With the heat this summer I had to hot glue the velcro back into place, but I love the visual and the kids love putting them away.  My Charlie Brown cutouts are from the Hallmark store the day after Christmas!!

I LOVE sitspots.  If you have carpet (not just a rug), you MUST get your free sample!
I use these dots as "Line up dots" complete with a green spot for our "Lime Leader."  Nothing ruins a good class faster than the race to get in line and all the wandering hands on instruments, my desk, and each other.  The best thing I ever did was give each student a dot and no matter when they are dismissed to get in line, they go to THEIR dot.  

My rug too is awesome!  Inside the colorful concentric circles are smaller circles that are great for assigning seats.  Some of my classes are too big and we "put our toes on the purple" rather than sitting in a "blue and purple circle."    

See my xylophones and metallophones??  When we cleaned out the modular classroom for me to move into the shelves were already there!  I go so excited when I measured and fit even the soprano xylos onto the small shelves.  (My mom made the curtains!)

I hate the cabinents but my principal says they were too expensive to get rid of/change.  I have magnetic "I Can" notes on one of them now but I don't like it.  It's so nice to have the shelf (that used to be a coat rack) for my dollar store baskets.  Each basket has a specific instrument set: metals (triangle/finger cymbols), wood (claves/wood block), rhythm sticks, fuzz balls, scarves, recorders, etc.  Easy for me and the kids to always get what we need.

I've made tons of changes to the room since I first moved in and I'm super proud of them!  


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