
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Back to School 2015!

I can't believe it's back to school already!  I just finished my Orff Level 2 certification and I'm super excited to head back and use all the new tools in my toolbox, but I also love summer just as much as the next teacher! 

I'm linking up with a bunch of music teachers (hosted by Mrs. Miracle and Music A La Abbott) in their Back to School Teachers Pay Teachers Sale Wish and Dish!  So here's one of my products, one music product I'm exited to buy, and one non-music item!

Like I said, I just finished my Orff Level 2 certification and was super inspired by my amazing teacher, Cyndee Giebler.  She taught us about Discrete Combinatorial System Improvisation.  Sounds complicated, right!?  Nope!  Similar to a menu style activity, students choose one from column A, one from column B, and play column C! Students pick which notes they want (from a teacher given pitch set), which rhythm they want (from a teacher given rhythm set) and then play within the constructs given!  As someone who is not very comfortable improvising, I was totally comfortable doing this!  I picked what I wanted, then played confidently.  (I know, it's a little more "composition" than it is "improvisation" but students are making decisions quickly rather than writing melodies).  I was so inspired by this activity that I went home and jumped on the computer!  Here is a file that includes a Discrete Combinatorial System for Do, Re, Sol, and La modes in C, G, and F pentatonic, in both duple and triple meters.  Simply decide what mode/key/meter you'll be working on and let the kids explore!  Super easy!

Cherie Herring is my idol (I think I've said this before!) and I love everything she makes! She is a SMART certified teacher and really uses her technology to engage students!  I use many of her activities as sub plans where students are musically engaged and thinking, but subs just have to know how to use the smartboard.  Can't wait to try this new one!

In addition to general music and band, I also teach 6th grade math at my school.  I LOVE interactive notebooks and purchased a huge set of them last year for the year.  This year, I am super excited for project based learning activities from 21st Century Math Projects.  I have a small class of less than 5 students so we have plenty of time to learn the material; now we can really USE the material in our projects!  Can't wait!! 

(I know I'm only supposed to say 1 non-music thing I'm buying, but my wishlist is so full...I've got to share another!)

I love this!!  Yoga aside, breathing and stretching is so great for the body and for learning focus!  I'm not allowed to use the word YOGA in my school, but even if I have to wait until I have my own kids, I am buying this!  It is a story that includes poses for children, coloring pictures, posters, flashcards!  I REALLY hope I can adapt it to use at school!

So that's some of the things in my wish list!  But you know what??? Even though everything is on sale, I'm still not going to pay full price!  TPT offers credits towards purchases IF you leave feedback on paid purchases!  So I'll be heading back into My Purchases to make sure I've left all my feedback (valuable feedback!) before I buy more!

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